Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Kentmere Horseshoe Pt 1 - A Lakes Classic

It has been a few years (in fact 2010!) since I have last completed the full Kentmere Horseshoe, I did revisit the Kentmere Fells twice last year but not as a full expedition. So with probably the best forecast of the year so far, Kentmere was a temptation I couldn't refuse.

An early start meant I didn't meet anybody until between Froswick & Thornthwaite Beacon,
and he was asleep. Its not unusual to see a tent, but to see a small empty 'peapod' sized tent pitched right next to the path, with its occupant asleep on the grass is unusual!! I was tempted to give him a kick and check he was ok but thought it best to leave him. An RAF jet passed over shortly after and the over-sleeping camping sat up so at least he was still in the land of the living! His choice of a half empty litre bottle of water as a pillow I thought odd & uncomfortable!

My next encounter was a large party of students climbing from the the top of the Nan Bield Pass to Harter Fell, as with all large groups you get stragglers, one was getting encouragement from one of the group leaders. The fitter members under direction from another leader would wait for the few stragglers to catch up then march off. It became apparent that the fitter members where getting regular prolonged stops while the less fit members of the group weren't getting any - whats the chances of them venturing into the hills, they will most probably be put off for life!

A visit to Kentmere wont be complete without mentioning the lack of parking, the field that opens as a car park was gated (closed), with no evidence of a sign or bucket. Being early I was the first to arrive & park at the village hall (donation box), on my return the field was still closed and parking outside the village hall was full. Cars & vans had slotted themselves in various passing places and field openings!

Early morning, Kentmere & Badger Rock... 

I left the Garburn Pass and followed a little used path that aimed for a grassy gully in Buck Crag...

which emerged here, a little hazy towards Yoke...

Yoke's summit cairn & the dog...

the route to Ill Bell...

& back to Yoke...

the larger summit cairn...

another up & down to Froswick...

Ill Bell from Froswick's top...

Froswick & Ill Bell, a pause for breath on the climb up Thornthwaite Crag...

Kentmere reservoir comes into view...

hazy down Kentmere & Troutbeck...

the Beacon on Thornthwaite Crag...

High Street, in range...

and its trig point is quickly reached...

Blea Water & Rough Crags...

looking back at High Street, the last remnants of snow...

Mardale Ill Bell's summit, the climb up Harter Fell in cloud...

Small Water...

last big climb of the day...

Yoke, Ill Bell & Froswick over Kentmere Reservoir...

students finally passed, Harter Fell summit cairn...

route to Kentmere Pike...

cairn on one side of the wall, trig on the other, Selside PIke from Kentmere Pike...

lower Kentmere...

Goat Scar & Shipman Knotts...

Longsleddale, excellent views from Goat Scar, a worthwhile Birkett...

descending off Shipman Knotts...

from the Longsleddale Pass it seemed a shame to descend back to Kentmere, an ideal moment to tick off a couple of Outlying Fells : Making a long walk longer


  1. Definitely my favourite Lakeland Round :-) Wonder why the camper was sleeping outside his tent? I must admit, I'm definitely not an early riser though and, for that reason, wouldn't have put my tent anywhere near the path!

    You always find with groups that happening where the faster ones get a rest and the slower ones don't...

    I've always wondered about taking a short-cut up onto the ridge in the area you did but didn't realise there was a path. I've always been put off by the look of it though - it looks really strenuous compared to sticking to the pass...

  2. One of mine too :) I presumed it was due to the heat and I'm sure a better camp site could have been found!

    The short cut isn't as bad as it looks but there was a nasty looking bog after the crags, could be easily rounded but most of the footprints ploughed headlong into it!!

    Cheers Simon

  3. Did you see the tops of any bobble-hats sticking out? ;-)

  4. No, but come to think of it no footprints came out of it :O
