Thursday, 13 March 2014

Raven's Barrow - A short walk made shorter

Another trip picking off those pesky outliers around Windermere. In AWs guide book this is a short walk visiting the monument of Raven's Barrow and taking in Sow How Tarn. As visibility was very poor a short walk became even shorter with a dash to Raven's Barrows cairn and back to the car. Despite the narrow single track road there are a couple of places where a car can be parked off road near the Cartmel Church junction.

Access onto the fell...

not much to see...

another stile crosses this wall...

memorial on Raven's Barrow...

just to mix things up, I used this stile to get back to the car...


  1. Oh well, at least your photos are atmospherically misty - I like the second one :-)

    It makes me sick when I think of those southerners sun-bathing every day when we're getting this! :-(

  2. Personally I'd rather have a misty northern Cartmel Fell ;)
