If the doomsayers (weather forecasters) where to be believed than today was to be the last 'fine' day before a week or more of stormy weather. Even then it was only foretold till lunchtime, hence the early start to grab the forecast clear skies - Southern & Western Fells weren't even given this chance .
Its been a few months since I was last over Helvellyn and since this may be the last outing for a week or two I wanted it to be on a few good hills. As usual I parked in the free layby and avoided the LDNPA car parks like the plague, ok there is a short unpleasant walk beside the A591 but for a saving of £7 for a day's parking, its worth it.
Early morning view back down to Thirlmere, Skiddaw is nice & clear...
the sun is rising and lights up a few clouds over Browncove Crags...
a little brighter now..
a bit more cloud about then I would have liked...
a last glimpse over White Stones to the Dodds from Browncove Crags...
Helvellyn Lower Man starts to disappear from view...
the cloud just whisks over the Brown Cove...
and the summit trig...
the sun at least makes a last effort to illuminate the summit...
but fails miserably at the summit cairn, the shelter provides a brief respite from the icy wind...
the cloud reached down to the featureless Nethermost Pike...
and even down to Dollywagon Pike, I decided to drop down to Grisedale Tarn to get a view...
but at Grisedale's Tarn outflow, foiled again...
a never gained a full view down Raise beck, only the odd glimpse...
a touch of blue passes by, are the summits now clear???
its a tree filled trudge back through the woods, only the odd viewpoint opens up...
Browncove Crags, is Helvellyn now clear???
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