Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Eel Crags Trig Finally Topples

A friend who has slowly been working through his Wainwright list asked me if I'd like to accompany while he aimed for Grasmoor. As summer has finally arrived I couldn't really refuse :) The trig point on Eel Crag which has slowly been deteriorating has finally toppled - probably helped.

Crummock rewards the early start...

Status Quo on Skiddaw

A hectic week or two meant that I hadn't been able to hit the fells, so on the first opportunity it was pretty disappointing to find  them shrouded in low cloud. Surprisingly Skiddaw just had a little whiff of the grey stuff licking its summit and that looked like it would be blown clear - a better proposition then the obscured Great Gable.

Of course this is Skiddaw and any fancy notions of actually getting a view are ill founded.

The sun is out to play, looking towards Binsey...

Friday, 6 June 2014

Castle Rock of Triermain - The last Eastern

Back in 2010, when I came across a list Birkett summits, I initially engaged in a bit of armchair bagging as I crossed those off I'd already walked from the list. It didn't take long before I became tired of this task so, after scrumpling up my pencil marked list I started off with blank list of 541 Lakeland Fells as seen in the eyes of Bill Birkett.
   Now four years later I'm still 62 away from my target, in my defence I've had several periods where I've lost the will, a new Birkett top has not been bagged for months! Sometimes I don't have the drive to pick off a minor top that I know I've already walked - Castle Rock at the head of St John's falls into that category. Many a time on my journey's up & down Thirlmere I've been tempted to pull over but I've never summoned the energy. But forced off the higher tops by rain & lack of anything resembling a worthwhile view, a thick pencil line can be drawn through my last Birkett summit in the Eastern Fells. My remaining total now at the annoying 61, almost tempted me towards Eycott Hill on the way home - but heavy rain saved me from that fate!

The amiable side of Castle Rock from Legburthwaite...